Requiem: Reichskinder is a LARP game for 31 players written and organized by the Rolling Association. It was inspired by an uneasy period for Czech–German relationships right after WWII, which here takes the form of an atmospheric thriller in the fictional Rehabilitation Institute for Problematic Youth. Requiem: Reichskinder is set around the second half of the year 1945, but the game is not—nor does it attempt to be—a historical one. Players have the opportunity to experience the game either in the skin of Czech–German adolescents held in the Czechoslovak re-education Institute or in the role of the Institute’s staff.The game deals with the big topics of personal integrity, national values, war trauma, and the blurred transition between reality and psychotropic states of mind. Its aim is to tell stories of guilt, punishment, and redemption.
In 2025 there will be three runs, two czech (17. - 20.4. and 8. - 11.5.); and one international (1. - 4.5. in ENG). The game is happening in former military hospital in Theresienstadt. With that in mind we're working on the game with maximum piety and one of the goals of the project is to bring life to this forgotten and neglected building. The game always begins Thursday evening and lasts till Sunday morning (the night from Saturday to Sunday is dedicated to feedback and fun after the game itself, Sunday morning is dedicated to tidying)
Signup for 2025 runs is open! (Signup will be closed on 1st of October)